Analog Kairos Hackathon

1875 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1875 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

Idea Submission
starts on:
May 24, 2024, 01:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jun 25, 2024, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)
Project Submission
starts on:
Jun 27, 2024, 01:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jul 31, 2024, 06:59 AM UTC (UTC)


Analog , a developer of crosschain infrastructure aiming to make a seamless web3 world, is proud to announce its inaugural hackathon.

We are calling all hackers with blockchain experience to create innovative applications across different verticals that demonstrate how applications spanning across different blockchains can enable better user experiences and be more powerful than applications that are built on just one Layer 1 or Layer 2.

Hackathon Timelines

Event Location Date (PST)
Idea Submission Starts Online May 24, 2024
Workshop 1 - Introduction to Analog Zoom June 12, 2024
Idea Submission ends Online June 24, 2024
Idea Phase Judging Offline June 26, 2024
Workshop 2 (Workshop on GMP) Zoom June 26, 2024
Shortlist Announcements Online June 27, 2024
Project Submission Starts Online June 27, 2024
Project Submission Online July 30, 2024


Developers can utilize Analog’s stack to build crosschain applications. We want to see some innovative applications being built using Analog’s tech stack.

Projects submissions can theoretically span across different verticals and win additional prizes.


This includes anything related to finance or decentralized finance. For example, a borrowing and lending protocol that allows you to lend tokens on Ethereum to Polygon users would count.


This includes anything in the Gaming/NFT space. For example, a crosschain NFT collection or crosschain app that uses NFTs minted and swapped across various chains would count. A game where players from wallets across different chains can interact with one another in a decentralized manner would count.


This includes verticals such as DAOs, social-Fi, and any other vertical you can think of.

Prizes USD $50,000 + in prizes

Each submission can be considered for more than one category. Tokens will be distributed from Analog’s treasury and will be vested over three months starting from TGE. Tokens will be valued at a reasonable valuation based on its TGE valuation.

Main Prizes
Winner (Each Category)
USD 7500 (USD or Stablecoins)
Winner (Each Category)
USD 7500 (Analog Tokens)
Runners Up (Each Category)
USD 4000 (USD or Stablecoins)

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